In Mid-September 2012, Ti-Coca & Wanga-Nègès arrived in Washington, D.C. from Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. This group of internationally renowned troubadours lit up every festival, school, and jam session...
Papermoon Puppet Theatre is a group of young artists and performers using puppetry to speak about contemporary issues, specifically the tumultous 1960's in Indonesia, with their piece, Mwathirika...
Before Zeb and Haniya headed back to Pakistan after their Center Stage tour, one of the musicians remarked, "Music is the sound of emotions, it doesn't lie, it connects straight to the heart, it...
When noori reflected on their tour with Center Stage, they had this to say, "All of this has been a great learning experience because we transferred and shared ideas, traditions, culture, and tastes...
After years of planning, the first round of Center Stage has wrapped up. It’s hard to believe all that has happened over the past six months, and we wanted to take a photographic look back at the...