
April 2011

Apr 14, 2011
Kathleen Pletcher
(Yogyarta, Indonesia) Contemporary culture is flourishing in a country renowned for its classical arts. Having practically launched my work in the arts from a love of Wayang Kulit (shadow puppetry)...
Apr 12, 2011
Jacob Yarrow
It was a thrill to be part of Center Stage's advance trip to Indonesia. Over the course of a week, we had a remarkably varied experienced that included the ancient and modern, urban and rural...
Apr 06, 2011
Lisa Booth
Our advance trip to Indonesia for Center Stage offered an invigorating mix of the ancient and the new – sometimes co-existing and other times interacting to create an exhilarating and fresh syncretism...

March 2011

Mar 28, 2011
Adrienne Petrillo
Landed in Padang today on the island of Sumatra. This area of Indonesia was devestated by an earthquake in 2009 and there is evidence of its impact throughout the city. We drove down the crowded...
Mar 24, 2011
Adrienne Petrillo
Arrived in Indonesia after 30+ hours of traveling. We had a lovely dinner with Chodidah "Toto" Rahardjo from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and Amna Kusumo from the Kelola Foundation. They have both...